KBear Radio started back in 2011 as a music podcast called Ten Songs Blog on 8Track inspired by the iconic Bay Area 10@10 show started by radio legend and personal hero Dave Morey. It was a show dedicated to showcasing the cultural music landscape of the last 100 + years of recorded history through artist tributes, history lessons, and other themed shows. Then is evolved into PopOff! on Mixcloud a music show devoted to musical curiosity.

The dream is to ultimately have a terrestrial station with a variety of voices contributing content providing the Bay Area with a unique community focused musical voice. But now for now I have my weekly PopOff! live stream plus occasional other live streams for special occasions or just because Iā€™m in a mood to share music.

To listen live Thursdays click the image below and be sure to hit the follow button to get updates on other live streams and content from me.

PopOff! also found a home at the iconic SoundwavesTV a local bay area music program that has been going for 40+ years.

Here you can find old PopOff! shows, reviews and music commentary by me, and host of other musical content including the Soundwaves TV show, which is focused on the Bay Area music.

Soundwaves is always looking for new local musicians creating exciting and fun music to feature on our web TV show or on the radio show SoundwavesFM on Saturday evenings on 101.7 The Bone. Click the image below to watch or listen to content and to submit your music.