Welcome to the Bear Cave!
This is the internet home of artist, poet, dancer, DJ, bon vivant, and spirit animal, Bear (that’s me).
My favorite thing in the world is getting people together and watching them have a good time.
I wear A LOT of pink and purple with red as the power color.
I also have a not so small fondness for colorful nylon hoodies and snuggling in them.
Foggy and gray with lush greenery around is how I like my landscape and weather.
My favorite foods are sausages, sauces, mushrooms, and cheese.
My favorite drinks are dark beer so thick you could stand a spoon up in it and spicy bloody Marys.
My off diet digestibles are Taco Bell and Cheez-its with the occasion doughnut as a stand in.
I find the Japanese language super sexy.
If I am not dancing I am dead.